94 research outputs found

    Cost Sharing for Biodiversity Conservation: A Conceptual Framework

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    „h Many resource users undertake actions that conserve biodiversity. If, however, there were public demand for more conservation than would be provided voluntarily by the private sector alone, there are two broad principles for determining who should bear the costs ¡X ¡¥impacter pays¡¦ or ¡¥beneficiary pays¡¦. The two principles have different efficiency and distributional effects. „h A fundamental step in determining which cost sharing principle to apply is the clarification of the rights and responsibilities implied by existing property rights. This is an important issue that requires further work. „h If property rights effectively require resource users to meet an environmental standard, resource users who fail to achieve this may be considered to generate external costs. In these circumstances, on efficiency grounds, the impacter pays principle should generally be adopted to internalise external costs. This effectively amounts to enforcement of an individual¡¦s existing legal responsibilities. However, if the costs of implementing the impacter pays principle were to outweigh its efficiency advantages, the beneficiary pays principle may be considered.environment, conservation, biodiversity

    Normalizacja europejska w zakresie informatologii

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    The range of activities in the field of informatology that the European standardising organisations are engaged in, as compared to the operations of other standardising organisations, constitutes the main theme of the monograph. Its aim is to analyse the European standardising system and present the work of individual technical bodies with regard to various informative activities. On the basis of quantitative analysis of international and European standardising documents published between 1990 and 2013, the author also attempts to determine the significant influence that European standardisation exerts upon the field of informatology on international scale. The impact of European standardisation on Polish activity conducted in the field of informatology, bibliology and bibliography by 242 Technical Committee has also been subjected to analysis. The monograph contributes to the development of research in national, European and international standardisation of information and library activities

    Otwarte czasopisma w naukach humanistycznych. Analiza ilościowa na przykładzie bibliologii i informatologii

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    Otwarte czasopisma naukowe odgrywają coraz większą rolę w komunikacji naukowej, a ze względu na nieograniczony dostęp do ich treści mogą być częściej czytane i cytowane niż czasopisma rozpowszechniane w sposób tradycyjny. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie stanu ilościowego czasopism otwartych z nauk humanistycznych. Szczegółową analizą objęte zostały polskie czasopisma z zakresu bibliologii i informatologii. W artykule zestawiono wyniki badań z 2014 i 2018 r., dotyczących m.in. widoczności poszczególnych tytułów w katalogach otwartych czasopism, strategii wydawania czasopism i stosowania licencji Creative Commons czy oprogramowania wykorzystywanego do udostępniania artykułów. Ilościowe zestawienia poszczególnych kryteriów pokazują, jak na przestrzeni ostatnich czterech lat Open Access rozwijał się w bibliologii i informatologii

    Narzędzia projektantów produktów cyfrowych

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    Purpose/Thesis: Designing digital products is a complex process involving teams of various specialists. At each stage, they they use different applications to create the deliverables. The aim of the article is to present the most important and popular tools used in the process of design thinking. Approach/Methods: The stages of the design thinking process are listed; , free and paid applications used in each are discussed. Secondary research of previously existing data showed the tools most frequently used in designing digital products. A comparative analysis of programs which may be used at different stages of the process has been conducted. Results and conclusions: There are many rapidly developing tools on the market with similar functionalities. There are dedicated tools or templates to be used at each stage, but a well-thought-out project does not require more than two programs. Research limitations: The article presents selected tools currently available on the market. Originality/Value: The article can be a guide for teachers and students of information architecture and related fields of study, as well as for beginner designers, suggesting which tools to choose at a given stage of the design process

    Greenhouse gas emissions and the productivity growth of electricity generators

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    This paper analyses electricity generation in four Australian states and the Northern Territory in the late 1990s It finds that productivity growth estimates for electricity generators can change significantly when allowance is made for greenhouse gas emissions. Using an innovative analytical technique for incorporating environmental impacts in productivity estimates, it shows that productivity growth is overestimated when emission intensity is rising and underestimated when emission intensity is falling. This is because emissions are undesirable and so if they fall (grow) per unit of output then this will tend to increase (decrease) estimated productivity.greenhouse gas emissions - productivity growth - electricity - abatement

    XXXVI Forum Sekcji Bibliotek Szkół Wyższych Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskich przy Zarządzie Okręgu w Katowicach „Nowe rozwiązania w dziedzinie prawa autorskiego i ochrony danych osobowych – komentarze praktyczne dla bibliotekarzy” (Katowice, 7 września 2017 r.)

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    Sprawozdanie z XXXVI Forum Sekcji Bibliotek Szkół Wyższych Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskich przy Zarządzie Okręgu w Katowicach „Nowe rozwiązania w dziedzinie prawa autorskiego i ochrony danych osobowych – komentarze praktyczne dla bibliotekarzy” (Katowice, 7 września 2017 r.

    Konferencja „Architektura informacji jako dyscyplina akademicka (AIDA)” (Kraków, 5–6 czerwca 2018 r.)

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    Sprawozdanie z konferencji „Architektura informacji jako dyscyplina akademicka (AIDA)” (Kraków, 5–6 czerwca 2018 r.

    Architektura informacji w piśmiennictwie zagranicznym 1982-2018 : analiza ilościowa

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    Purpose/Thesis: The aim of the article is to present the process of shaping interest in information architecture in world literature. Approach/Methods: A bibliographic analysis of subject literature published until the end of 2018 was carried out to examine the development of information architecture literature. The literature was identified in Scopus, Web of Science and Library and Information Science Abstract, and the Google Scholar, Google Books services and Amazon Bookstore. The quantitative analysis of the chronological and thematic distribution of literature is complemented by the identification of the most important authors, books and journals, as well as the most frequently cited publications. Results and conclusions: 2269 publications on information architecture were identified. They varied in topics, covering mainly information systems and information science issues. The results of the analysis indicate that interest in various aspects of information architecture has been steadily increasing since 2000, as confirmed by the growing number of publications and their citations. As a result of the conducted query, a collection of 2269 publications on a wide range of topics, mainly in the field of information systems and information science, was created. The results of the analysis indicate that interest in various aspects of information architecture has been continuously increasing since 2000, which was confirmed by the growing number of publications and their citations. Originality/Value: No attempts in Polish publications have been made to analyze literature in the field of information architecture. The article can be a starting point for in-depth thematic analysis and can serve as a comparative material for similar studies

    I Ogólnopolska Konferencja "Organizacja i recepcja treści w środowisku cyfrowym" (Katowice, 23 maja 2017)

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    W dniu 23 maja 2017 r. w Katowicach odbyła się I Ogólnopolska Konferencja „Organizacja i recepcja treści w środowisku cyfrowym”, zorganizowana przez Instytut Bibliotekoznawstwa i Informacji Naukowej Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach oraz Centrum Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekę Akademicką Uniwersytetu Śląskiego i Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach. Głównym celem konferencji była dyskusja nad różnymi aspektami organizowania, udostępniania, publikowania i odbioru tekstu w przestrzeni cyfrowej. Uroczystym dopełnieniem konferencji była promocja książki Kultura książki i informacji (Wydaw. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2017, red. A. Pulikowski) dedykowanej Profesor Elżbiecie Gondek w związku z jubileuszem 70-lecia jej urodzin (Fragment tekstu)

    Języki informacyjno-wyszukiwawcze w normalizacji

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    The article presents information retrieval languages used in standardization. IR languages usage has been discussed in a historical context and in relation to the geographical coverage of the analyzed objects (national, European and international documents and databases). Standardization documents, printed catalogues of standards, and databases containing descriptions of these documents were analyzed. Particular attention was paid to the International Classifi cation for Standards (ICS) developed for the description of standardization documents. Also, other information retrieval languages were taken into account (including the Universal Decimal Classifi cation and keywords). The search engines of 24 European standardization committees were compared for the use of IR languages. The results show which language is the most popular and what other search facilities are offered to the users